Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Movie Trailer

Sausage Party 

This year will see a new world of animation as we see into the lives of our fresh food straight from the supermarket, 'Sausage Party' is the latest animation to hit the big screens this year staring 'Seth Rogen, James Franco, Kristen Wig, Salma Hayek & Jonah Hill'. The film depicts the lives of 'Frank the sausage, Brenda the hot dog bun, Teresa the taco and Sammy the bagel' who are looking forward to going home with one of the regular customers who enter their supermarket. They soon come to the realization that once they leave the store they will become a tasty meal for all to eat, the edibles devise a plan to escape their human enemies. The movie looks like a great laugh and a family friendly movie that will join all ages together for a good time, set for release in August 2016 'Sausage Party' certainly will be a great ending to the summer of 2016.


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